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Our Services

Leas Inc Attorneys offers a range of legal services tailored to personal injury victims, including personal injury litigation, road accident fund claims, and medical negligence claims.

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Wide Range of Services

Personal Injury Litigation

Learn about our expertise in personal injury litigation and our commitment to securing maximum compensation for our clients' injuries and losses. We represent clients in cases involving spinal injuries, fractures, amputations, head injuries and loss of support due to the death of a breadwinner.

We are passionate about getting optimal compensation for each client through in-depth individual assessments and by obtaining medical and professional opinions from leading specialists in their field.

Road Accident Fund Claims

Discover how we assist clients in navigating the complexities of road accident fund claims, ensuring they receive the compensation they deserve for injuries sustained in motor vehicle accidents. We assist victims who were pedestrians, passengers in private or public transports such as buses or taxis, cyclists or motorcyclists. We understand the process of and legal requirements of correctly lodging a claim, determining the value of a claim and proving a case in court.


Medical Negligence Claims

Learn about our specialized approach to medical negligence claims, where we hold healthcare professionals accountable for substandard care and seek compensation for our clients' medical expenses, pain, and suffering. Failed treatment can be traumatic and life changing– we investigate the treatment you received from beginning to end. We assess the impact of the negligence on your health, ability to work and earn an income as well as the change in quality of your life.

Get in touch with Leas Inc Attorneys

For a free consultation and learn how we can help you with your personal injury case

Rising above for personal injury victims

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